There are more and more initiatives aimed at emerging talent in design and whose structure and organisational capacity are improving, so that gradually they are coming to exert their influence on the all-powerful fashion industry. The latest to give a voice to young designers are the Future of Fashion days organised by the newly created platform Piscolabis Designers, the association of emerging independent designers from Catalonia, an entity dedicated to encouraging and spreading a creativity with its own identity and whose production is local and limited. No cloning and no overcrowding.
These days will take place these coming 4th and 5th February in the multi-functional Mazda Space and within the framework of “Activity OFF” of the 080 Barcelona Fashion parade which takes place this week in the city. So during that weekend Future of Fashion will give us a close-up view of the most striking creations by 35 emerging designers from Barcelona with a selection of clothes, footwear, hand-bags, jewelry, bric-à- brac and furnishings. The show-room will be a feature of artistic decoration created by the interior designer Diego Candea in collaboration with the School of Window-Dressing and Artidi Visual Merchandising.
Apart from the commercial angle, Future of Fashion will also feature didactic and informative aspects with regard to entrepreneurial matters and design. For that reason prestigious professionals from the world of fashion, technology, marketing, business strategy and fashion trends will give presentations on specific topics. Mónica Mendoza, Laura Clèries, Juan Pablo Sánchez, Estel Vilaseca, Jaume Vidiella, Sònia Rotats, Ignasi Saun, Aldanondo and Fdez. There will also be round-table discussions led by participating designers such as Citrique Heart, Colmillo de Morsa or Elena Estaun, amongst others.
In addition to design and its promotion there will also be various musical sessions by D.J.’s from Discos Paradiso, films, videos and an exhibition about the creative process, where participating designers will share visually their most intimate moments.
This is a unique opportunity to get to know some of the designers and sector professionals from the local community. Highly recommended!